The Old Town House Museum and Blance Archive remain closed to the public except by appointment. To arrange a visit, use the Contact form below.

The Blance Archive, housed at Society Headquarters, is our temperature and humidity controlled space designed to house our textile and paper collections. It contains numerous documents of historical interest and value to researchers: maps; photographs; town tax valuation books; personal and store ledgers; genealogical records; scrapbooks; and much more. Our genealogical section contains information on many of the early families of the area — census records, death records, family genealogies, and cemetery transcriptions.

The Archive has irregular hours, but visits can be arranged by appointment. If you have specific inquiries about Town or Gouldsboro family history, questions about our collections, or would like to visit the Blance Archive, please contact our archivists using the Contact form below.
In the coming months, many of the most important documents housed at the Blance Archive will become part of our “Archive without Walls,” accessible through this website. Start with our Online Collections page to discover what is already available.
Admission to the Blance Archive is by donation.