The West Gouldsboro Village Improvement Association (WGVIA) was formed in 1913 by a group of local residents. The purpose of the Association is … “instituting and maintaining public improvements in the village of West Gouldsboro … to increase the natural beauties of the place by planting and cultivating trees, shrubs, flowers, and doing such other acts as shall have a tendency to make the village more attractive …” Various social activities throughout the long history of the WGVIA include dances, auctions, public suppers, food sales, and yard sales.
For a brief history of the VIA since its beginnings, read more HERE.

The village of West Gouldsboro is situated in the northwest portion of the Town of Gouldsboro and bounded by Williams Brook at the South Gouldsboro end of Rt 186, the former Peninsula School building along Rt 195, and along Route 1, as far as Young’s Market. Our association fosters the old fashioned spirit of community interaction and caring. Working together toward a common goal is a good way to meet neighbors, promote communication, and encourage the involvement of small businesses within our village. At present, the Association maintains the West Gouldsboro Village Library building and grounds as well as the Village Green, the flag, and flag pole. In the spring of 2014, there was a re-dedication of the Village Green as the monuments were relocated and new shrubs and flowers were planted. When residents and visitors enter our village, they are greeted by visual reminders of days gone by as they pass the green, the library, and church, both of which are on the National Register of Historic Buildings.
The West Gouldsboro Village Library is located on the east side of Rt 186, between Jones Cove and Jones Pond. Fred Savage, the most influential architect of the time in Mount Desert Island and northeast Maine, was commissioned to design this gem in 1906. It was completed in 1907 and has a field stone half-wall front that tapers off on the side walls, plus the two field stone chimneys – one on each end. The fireplace mantles were donated to the library by Mrs. Helen Sears.
Construction of the West Gouldsboro Union Church (Rt 186 between Jones Cove and Jones Pond) began in 1888-’89. Although we do not know who designed the building or where the plans came from, the assumption is that it was constructed by ships’ carpenters because of the interior finish work. As one stands at the back of the sanctuary and looks up, it appears you are looking at the bottom of a ship. Also, the two round stained glass windows represent a ship’s wheel. The interior is made of tongue-in-groove woodwork with parquetry work along the ceiling. It’s worth taking a look.
A current project of the WGVIA is the restoration of the West Gouldsboro Library and the West Gouldsboro Union Church buildings. Already completed are the rebuilding of the church foundation, wiring upgrades in both buildings, and other general repairs. The repainting of the library exterior is now complete; the repainting of the church building in its original Victorian colors will begin as weather permits in 2022.
Donations to aid the restoration project may be made payable to the WGVIA and sent to: WGVIA, c/o 43 Taft Point Road, Gouldsboro, ME 04607
The West Gouldsboro Village Improvement Association is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Please join us by becoming a member the WGVIA — Membership is open to anyone over fourteen years of age who agrees with the constitution and by-laws and who signs a membership list. There are no dues or fees
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